Thursday, 11 August 2016

Zen puzzle

Among the Charles O.Perry puzzles, this one must be the biggest and heaviest. Like almost all (exception for the brass ball or plexi ball) of his puzzles, this zen puzzle is made out of metal and kind of black resin; I still classify it as a metal puzzle (too lazy to create a new label which would be called "mixed puzzle").

O.Perry's designs are like art and can easily be displayed in a cabinet with other design item (and not necessarily puzzles). The puzzle has a moderate difficulty: disassembling the puzzle is easy, reassembling more difficult.

As you can see, the metal pieces has the same shape, you need to find the correct place and correct order to put them in the black base. The "plain" metal piece will be the last one which will lock the puzzle and provide the other pieces from slipping out of the base.

I like a lot this puzzle because of its "flower" shape, the contrast between the color of the base and the color of the pieces, the several materials used (and the resin does not look cheap at all!) and of course, the solution and reassembling process.

I have already reviewed the double puzzle, one left to review :-)

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