Sunday 18 August 2024


Cubigami 7 is a stacking plastic puzzle which goals are to make specific shapes, mostly cubic shapes.

You just need to fold the plates (without using any kind of force!) in a precise order. Easy?!

Well, yes and no. First the plates are connected on some edges, making an edge foldable while making another unfoldable.


Secondly, and it happened to me many times, you will go in circle, trying to make a shape and going back to the starting point. 

Note that the plates can be folded "inwards" and "outwards", doubling the possibilities of how you can arrange the plates.


I really like puzzles that have many challenges and that you can have your friends play with it without any fear (this one is pretty cheap and is not fragile) and that keep you busy for some time.... by the way I need to complete all the challenges... !!

I heard there is a more advanced puzzle of this kind, but so far I have not found a webshop to buy it.

So in the meantime, if you want to enjoy these challenges, you can buy it at Puzzle Master webshop