Friday 10 May 2024

Keebox packing

Keebox have created so far 3 sequencial discovery puzzle. They are all great if you wonder, but today we'll talk about their packing puzzle: keebox pack.

The material used is 3D printed parts like their previous puzzles and the goal is to pack all the pieces inside the tray.

For some reasons, it reminds me a bit of Yuu Asaka packing puzzles in the sense of that it's not like a regular packing and that there must be a trick somewhere. And also the shapes of the pieces are not super common.


I feel that the quality is superb and no force at all is needed for assembling the pieces to each other.

It took me a bit of time, but as surprisingly less than what I thought, I guess I was just lucky because usually it results with a fail from me with these kind of puzzles!!

For nice quality, the enjoyable challenge and the sweet price, I can only advise you to buy it!

You can find on Puzzle Master webshop!

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