Monday, 29 August 2016

Time to fold...some flower origami !!!

Some new pictures, still without glue and without scotch tape. And the modules don't fall apart.
The models are not that big, the biggest one is the red and rose one as it requires more modules. All are time-consuming to make (cutting the paper, folding each piece of paper, assembling the globe in the appropriate way, correcting the potential mistake during the assembly process which becomes more and more complex as you add more modules...).

And as usual, if interested to buy any foldings, PM me :-)


The following is a bit loose because of the number of modules used (12) and the shape of the origami. Some glue can be added to make the folding less fragile.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Time to fold....some spirals !!!!!!

The following foldings are all made with only one sheet of paper, without any scotch tape and without any glue. The "theme" is spirals as you can see the paper rolling again and again around an axis.

The differences between each of them are the angles and the shape of the base (square, triangle...).

These foldings are time consuming and require a lot of precision, and a bit of dexterity as well ;-)
What is interesting is that they are 3D foldings and "pop up" in a way, but can be flatten as well to admire the shapes.

As usual, I can sell some of them if any interest you. But I won't sell some as those ones are a pain to fold and I am not up to make them again. Feel free to ask if a folding catches your attention!









For the 2 above, it seems they are the same, but not really. Look precisely at the picture on the right and you will notice a variation. Actually, the folds are very different!





Thursday, 18 August 2016

Popplock T7

One of (if not the) the biggest popplocks, the easiest one and the one that many did not like, let me introduce you the popplock T7 and explain some things about it.

You see, a big lock! Don't be afraid this is easy!!

You should solve it under 10 seconds which, regarding the price, does not seem to be worth the money spent. Notice that I say "seem" and I don't say "is not worth".

There is a clear close feature to the revomaze puzzles: this popplock has like a maze inside the core and you need to solve it to open the lock. So it's not something new because the revomaze puzzles already existed before the release of this puzzle. First disapointing thing. Now the revomazes are more difficult and will puzzle you for much longer time as one wrong move and you start from the beginning. For this puzzle you will not start from the beginning. I don't feel this is a bad point, but that may be a second disappointing thing for hardcore puzzlers :-)

So what's good with that puzzle?
Well, first you can modify the inside maze by putting pins here and there, so you can create you own maze and try to solve it. I love this feature, because it's not common that you can modify a puzzle (and thus its difficulty), let me know if you can have the same nice feature in other puzzle, because I don't have any example right now.
Now the second good thing is that there is like a "safety" mechanism that allows you to be able to solve the T7 (free the core) if you made either a too difficult maze or an impossible one!! I love this feature, this is not a new one because you can find in many Tom Lensch puzzles, for example, such mechanism that allows you to start again the puzzle.

A quick warning: as you will have to push and pull the core, take care with your fingers.
With some popplocks you need an extra care when playing with them as you could hurt yourself because of moving parts: T3, T5, T7.

So despite its easy difficulty (maybe Rainer should have put a more difficult maze when shipping the puzzle?...), this puzzle has some really nice features, and I am sure you will try to solve it several times. Well, and if you intend to collect all popplocks or if you're a trick lock lover, then no doubt you will try to get it :-)

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Zen puzzle

Among the Charles O.Perry puzzles, this one must be the biggest and heaviest. Like almost all (exception for the brass ball or plexi ball) of his puzzles, this zen puzzle is made out of metal and kind of black resin; I still classify it as a metal puzzle (too lazy to create a new label which would be called "mixed puzzle").

O.Perry's designs are like art and can easily be displayed in a cabinet with other design item (and not necessarily puzzles). The puzzle has a moderate difficulty: disassembling the puzzle is easy, reassembling more difficult.

As you can see, the metal pieces has the same shape, you need to find the correct place and correct order to put them in the black base. The "plain" metal piece will be the last one which will lock the puzzle and provide the other pieces from slipping out of the base.

I like a lot this puzzle because of its "flower" shape, the contrast between the color of the base and the color of the pieces, the several materials used (and the resin does not look cheap at all!) and of course, the solution and reassembling process.

I have already reviewed the double puzzle, one left to review :-)