Wednesday 2 February 2022

Pill Box Puzzle - Nesting Mazes

I am not super found of hidden maze like the revomaze puzzles, as I like to see what I am doing and if I make progress or not...

However I wanted to try a 3D printed maze to see if hidden mazes can now be my friend or still not. And the reply is YES !

Nesting Mazes is actually 3 mazes in one box because once you solve the maze, then you get another one and a third one.

It's easy to navigate the maze, no issue with the 3D printed materials. It's smooth and enjoyable (really !). No force is needed, just nice and small moves.


Now you can say that you cannot see your progress? At the beginning it's true. But...

But first you should be able to use your brain and don't take a false path that you may have taken previously. Secondly, at some point you can see where you're expected to get to solve the maze and then you should see which is the best path to reach your goal.

And you can apply this method to solve all the 3 mazes.

Sure it won't take 1 minute, but it's perfectly doable without any pain in you hands and without any frustration. And when you don't have these 2 issues, then you should have a nice puzzling journey :)


As usually the nice puzzles that I review in my blog can be bought at Puzzle Master webshop

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